Friday, March 18, 2011

Rosemont Theatre Seats In Orchestra Pit

Silence is the absence of sound, total or relative. Happens when you shut your mouth when you are deaf or when it is quiet. Search
absolute silence is a utopia. For much solitude and stillness within us is the relentless noise of the inner voice, memory and consciousness.
Silence equals peace, and we were not born for peace.

is a comma in social conversation. If it spreads like a full stop can be uncomfortable, especially among people who can not stop talking.

People antisolitaria is talkative and very fearful of silence, because they are allergic to listen to others and themselves.
talk to placate other noise and chatter to escape mediocrity, that you remember your thoughts before sleep.

request involves ensuring the concentration of others. He stops in libraries so that students are not distracted. And when it breaks
gravity and ceremonial, sht!.
In the waiting room, the only permissible sounds are the good days of the newcomers and the changing of the leaves magazines.
If religion becomes very serious, parishioners are asked to shut up, as a sign of respect.

In diplomacy, the silence is a sign of intelligence. He who remains silent at the stupidity of others and says everything with his eyes often look like a great elegance.

But silence can also be used as a constraint.
Shut up or I'll kill you. Abusers do not want to hear another word, the mob will chase you if you decide to testify and the cowards keep silent when others victimized.

pacts with friends to keep secrets and hide their families live indignities by chiton. Mutis
the forum mouths shut. Any notice to other noises, deep.
The faces of the silent become the tip of the iceberg.

When you're arrested, you have the right to remain silent. Because everything you say, can be used against you.
Be smart, be silent, because the mouth is effective point defense. No one will kill the dumb.

The dramatic possibilities of silence have been particularly exploited by the modern cinema, in general, and Bergman and Antonioni in particular.

Silence glass becomes a concern.
words, dialogues, conversations, confessions are unable to express a sense contradictory, ambiguous or idea completely crazy.

When commemorates Unfortunately, when you are sad or when there are no words, the minutes pass in silence. Silence so sought
eventually be the sure sign of trouble. And so, retrieve speech means to regain the will to live.

today is the day to find the silence that you and I want. You know what I mean.
silence that we miss every day, you leave behind when we dared to grow.

disconnect from messages, letters, voices and other furies.
From what we have to do, how difficult love, the little people endure, what we're exhausted.

and rest, rest at last, news of dismal worlds, expectations are not met and bleak future.

And just when we found that silence, we will be able to deliver a lonely cry to the disaster.

only to shut again.


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