Friday, March 11, 2011

Car Side Window Scratches


destroy our enemies. We await the right moment to uncover their lies, they pursue with the means at our disposal and we pray that there is a vast hell to host them after his death.
The desire to destroy the hated is a human feeling, and can go from bad eyes to the madness of murder.

But what happens when the enemy is that you see in the mirror? The same as you wake up and sleep with you, whose weaknesses hate and whose defects badly endure.
can never escape, because it's your own self. And today has become the enemy close, that you will begin to destroy.

When you see self-destruction, psychologists understand the expressive pattern of conduct, which refers to shortcomings of the past and present woes.
The attacks the body and spirit often have multiple causes, but sometimes it is impossible to detect even one.
There are people who hurt themselves because they have better things to do.

The resort to self-destructive physical damage to the polydrug or overwhelm the moral and sexual dissipation associating with self-deprecation, transgression with voluntary humiliation.

Self-destruction might be considered a gradual suicide. Instead of taking the fast track, you prefer a slow-motion disintegration , which acts to atone for his own sins unfathomable. Montgomery Clift
knew it would not be the most handsome anymore. Kill yourself for ten years and a thousand hotel rooms was the answer.

When life is a window, look in the mirror can be the most painful moment of the day. From Judy Garland to Charlie Sheen, the privileged collapse their careers and reputations, to the rhythm of sleepless nights and waking diaphoretic.
not serve the rehab. Hate has become not only a habit, but the only thing that is really true.

Self-destruction is the challenge bitter irony of those who preach self-esteem and self-esteem as beacons vital.
human being can hate a lot or a little. Sometimes it seems to find pleasure in killing softly.

Heavy smokers, drinkers, those who walk in bad company, the rules are skipped health and good nutrition and those who breach duties, everyone knows perfectly the moral and material consequences their actions.
But frivolously disobey one's conscience that always had his.

But the extreme side, which represents the pathological self-destruction, is a declaration of war on me.
And, like every battle is a loss de tiempo y una absurdez.
Al final, la guerra necesita la paz, del mismo modo que el más vil de los cuerpos busca el descanso.


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