Monday, November 8, 2010

Salary Of Pediatric Oncologist

Parkour in La Plata

The idea is to overcome barriers to urban body. In La Plata, dozens of young people already practice and walk through the city to
In La Plata, squares Moreno, Belgrano and Olazabal, the forest, the faculties of Dentistry, Mathematics, Biochemistry, Community Center of Toulouse, on the outskirts of Banco Provincia of 7 and 47, become the stage for adrenaline lovers of the sport. Parkour was born in France for almost two decades, but in our city practiced for 5 years and, slowly, adds up followers.
Speaking to Today, José Lanzilotta young practicing parkour for two years, defines the activity as "A discipline that is to train to get from point A to point B by passing a series of obstacles encountered, only the capabilities that gives us the human body, as quickly, smoothly and efficiently as possible."

But not everyone is jumping, but behind the effort is a philosophy that seeks to incorporate in life. "This philosophy has adapted the ability to overcome obstacles to daily events, always seeking to surpass oneself, under the idea that any goal that we propose can be achieved sooner or later, to the extent that I try again and again "he says. Another aspect of parkour is that, unlike other sports, there is no competition. "This is because, when self-improvement of the foundations of the discipline, one competes with oneself, constantly pushing, without a roof over our limit," he says.


Parkour has its critics and detractors. Some people point out as a highly dangerous practice and damaging public structures. In this regard, the association Buenos Aires admit Parkour Parkour is a discipline that involves a level of risk. " It is recalled that in late 2006, three young people died when they entered a manhole, there were stunned by the rain, and water are dragged to the drain. Young people were less than 27 years and were practicing Parkour.

addition, the activity is usually learned in a didactic and through videos that are posted on the Internet. "The risks are relative to the person who practices and mentality. With people trying to promote Parkour La Plata discipline in a safe, conscientious and progressive, to reduce accidents to a minimum. That is why I can assure you that in reality, the risks we are few. In sports such as rugby or football you can see as many injuries in parkour, "says Joseph.

How did

Parkour was created by David Velle, the son of a former Vietnamese military that prompted him to physical training and overcoming obstacles. It was developed in the city, Lisses, France, creating an urban version. After entering the body of the French Army Infantry, David realized it was not for him and he needed the freedom of the street. Later, he found people who followed him in their training, and so met Sébastien Foucan and other members of that first group of traceurs.
Then Sébastien emigrated to the United Kingdom, where he surprised everyone with his skills, and lit the fuse of the internationalization of the phenomenon.

Golden Rules For traceurs

(name given to those who practice the activity) are no golden rules. The first: Look what's behind it and it does not move, the second: the parkour hurts men. In the city, not to invade private places, stepping gardens, jumping cars or scare people. And before you start jumping or running, is fundamentally a good warm up.

Meaning The word "parkour" comes from parcours which means journey in French. Les parcours du combattant, were walks of obstacles to military training.

This discipline requires great fitness to perform the different movements (skipping, pasavallas, climbing) that implies, but also need a mind determined to overcome our fears, great concentration and a strong spirit.


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