Thursday, November 25, 2010

How To Set Write-protection In Usb Flash Drive

A raft of new castaways of Buenos Aires


What yesterday was a pizzeria in whose bathroom Tanguito Once composed "The Raft", today is a cozy space where shows are scheduled Javier Martínez, Alejandro Medina, Ricardo Soulé, Claudia Puyó, Alejandro Del Prado and Miguel Cantilo.
happy to reopen the old bar rock, and so motivates the paradoxical reference Martínez, local here forever. "Bostalgia ... The nostalgia for me it manure, is written with 'b'. I am interested in looking forward and I will not enter into any move by bostalgia, but this cycle is not ... They did not make the nostalgia of the Pearl and all that. So I came and I agreed to participate, because it is a decadent thing to the dead soul, looking back. The eyes are not on the neck, are ahead ", says the man with thick glasses who once wrote" Avellaneda Blues, "walking at dawn on suburban routes. Drummer, singer and composer of one of the pioneers of Argentine rock groups, Martinez will be responsible for opening the cycle to the public tomorrow at 21.30, in the stronghold of Jujuy and Rivadavia, and repeated on Friday with his new trio: Maxi Delli Carpini Claudio Pallota guitar and on drums. "I'll play with my new training topics Manal, solo tracks and new tracks like 'Pappo's blues', 'The gold machine' and 'Positive', which are already on the internet before the record comes out, announces Martínez. Another of the founders Manal and gain experience mediating Pearl '60, Alejandro Medina, is also provided in the program with his Medinight Band, for Friday 17 and 24 December. And both chatting together in one of the tables background. "We talked, but we're not playing together," agree, compared to the hope that had arisen spontaneously among journalists and some other eternal follower. The artistic program by former Coven Almond and Rodolfo Garcia, also contains a Del Prado (Saturday 27), Puyo (Saturday, 4 December), Marianne (Saturday 11) and Soulé (Saturday 18). "One thing is 'bostalgia' Martinez insists," but no one can say that this is a place to play. This is a historic, symbolic, and I love all these shows are scheduled. It is good that the new owners have realized that this name is contained in the history of country rock, but redefined in a new stage. Mind you, I have nothing personal against nostalgia, all I'm saying is not practical. "The conversation between Medina and Martinez relaxed unless otherwise coupled surprise caused by the magic of the place: Willy Quiroga and Ricardo Soulé, long estranged, up playing together a version of "Wisdom Books" and an "Present." Gesture to dedicate the recently deceased Ruben Basoalto and open up a crack at a possible return of Vox Dei, if any drummer who could replace him. "We must always remember it with Ruben ... He was the one who made everything possible for Vox Dei is that it was for the history of rock ", is excited Willy. "This reopening is a wonderful opportunity to share this with these iconic musicians, even a little bit in this wonderful city that gave us the opportunity to be rock musicians, a strange thing in those days," says Soule, on reopening of the legendary space, while Del Prado makes his version of "The Roaring of Buenos Aires", the Rabid Fish recreates Puyó and Cipollati, provocative plays the "Himno a Sarmiento", just on the day of the Battle of Vuelta bound. "I do not play other songs, but this one I know" ironically from the microphone, his back to a portrait of Leopoldo Marechal. irrelevant. Long before, at least 40 years that Pearl became part of the triad-hive that next to the Cave and the Di Tella Institute set up the under-60s, now the bar area meeting was notable, literature and coffee between two writers who then (it) Bifurcaria for its aesthetic, world views and political ideals: Jorge Luis Borges and Leopoldo Marechal, with Macedonio Fernandez, who also has his picture in the pocket of Once-as liaison and host. It was, then, that air of "aesthetic vanguard" and meeting point which led, in addition to the conditions of inclusion and tolerance of the old masters, the arrival of the first rockers when about 4 in the morning left the cave and walked fifteen blocks south of the city. "The truth is that we came here because it was the only place open at that hour. Bah, it in fact had one open here in front, but we did not get even five balls. In addition, La Perla was full of female students of Philosophy, very nice pibas also gave us ball, "Martinez laughs. Manal
former pizzeria evokes then as a "four or five times" larger than today and a reverb effect "natural" that tempted to write some sketches of those who later would become rock classics in Castilian. "We had to go through a long hallway to the bathroom. It was narrow, but I had like 20 feet, and was old. In that hall there was a reverberation, and squatting Tanguito was put to play the viola and singing taking advantage of the reverb effect, which was the same as Elvis Presley wore when they recorded the tracks with a microphone and a speaker in the bathroom of the Sun Records . That was the reverberation chamber Tanguito Elvis and used it here (laughs). So I saw it, that's the photo. In fact, the only he was carrying a viola, and we were asking it to play a song each. If you go to any house and get into the bathroom, the tiles will give you a reverb like this, and this hall was tiled to the ceiling! "Recalls Martinez, who soon after managed to put a José Alberto Iglesias studio to record their only album of the poet truncated, the famous loop "in the bathroom of the Pearl of Once composed 'The Raft'." "I saw Tanguito composing 'The Raft'," reassures Martínez.
"And I knew the story by that time. Javier heard saying that while recording " Quiroga hooked. "In addition, we, the Vox Dei, we did not know La Perla. What happens is that we were in Quilmes, and assemble a Quilmes rock band and come to think of Capital at the time was crazy, it was like going to the moon on his knees (laughs). The first time we played was at the Theatre Capital Payró and then started singing in Castilian thanks to a recommendation of (Luis Alberto) Spinetta. We were not lucky enough to meet the Pearl, but knew that armed Sandro Cave near here, which was where we played bare-chested ... Madness, a kind of jolt. "" Of course, we do not know the Pearl because when we hit this town went to La Cueva de Sandro, who was Rivadavia, and only then hooked-tertiary Soulé. But this place was so significant that we were unaware until that moment. Until, with the turn of events, we begin to learn. When we marry Grace lived six blocks from here. It was 1970, and often came to visit Tanguito, Spinetta and Javier ... Let's say we met through your customers (laughs). Well, the Pearl represented a social pose different from what we were accustomed to, because down south we had a place to converge. First, because there were very few, and second because the rock had not nested, the nested rock in these districts of Buenos Aires neighborhoods that had been tango, and for some reason this happened to rock. "neuralgic point
epicenter of beat poetry" to the native ", the hippies and counterculture epochal solo bathroom where Nebbia detected something of sketching Tanguito "I am very sad and lonely here in this world of shit" and he completed the song-and then, along with "Just yesterday" and Pipo Lernoud Moris, sold 200 000 copies as part of the first single from Los Gatos in 1967 - The bar was a breeding ground for other great rock songs: "Tomato juice," for example. Or "The man left, which Tanguito-o the label that released the B-side ranked as their first single, the A was "Golden Princess" -. Over the years, Pearl became a myth, until the revisionism of recent years ended up becoming the site of Cultural Interest in 1994, 13 years later, legitimizing unveil a plaque in honor of "The Raft." "I wrote here most of the themes of Manal-Martinez recalls, without 'bostalgia'. Here and in the streets, because my music was always good street. With Tango and others were sending us to the bottom of everything and did a little guitar tracks, over coffee milk. We went with a notebook in his pocket scoring lyrics and chords, and the only thing was we went out to buy croissants in front, because they were cheaper and richer than those here. Then, when day was done, we took the train and went to Home, the home of Tango. "

Source: -2010-11-25.html


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