Friday, November 5, 2010

The Evolution Of Business Powerpoint

Debris group will rain "pigeons" in the city

will be tomorrow at 18, and will stage the block principal occupying the Teatro Argentino of our city, located on Calle 10 and 51.

From the terrace of the huge building, team members will conduct a performance art Debris Rain bird call, consisting of 10 000 shed bird silhouettes cut from paper of different colors.
And there will be a special feature: Each bird will carry a message inscribed by students from different schools of La Plata.
recipients of the messages will all participate in the event La Plata. Thus, Debris invites schools to be part of this act of communication. "When the birds stop flying, stop dreaming man" is the slogan of the performance. Precisely tomorrow is the 120 th anniversary of the Teatro Argentino, which will have special activities throughout the day. worth mentioning that the festivities coincide with a conflict that employees of the room kept for some time.
Debris was born in 1988 as a group of public art in an age in which everything seemed to collapse. By analyzing the social, political and economic, the founding artists of the group asked what would be the country. The answer was "debris."

Next to the name, there are features that remained intact: most of the work was performed outdoors, always express the sociopolitical reality that the country is at that moment, using all possible forms of communication: installations, manifestos, murals, artifacts, posters, poems, engravings, lectures, visual poems, graffiti, postcards, net art.



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