Thursday, November 25, 2010

How To Set Write-protection In Usb Flash Drive

A raft of new castaways of Buenos Aires


What yesterday was a pizzeria in whose bathroom Tanguito Once composed "The Raft", today is a cozy space where shows are scheduled Javier Martínez, Alejandro Medina, Ricardo Soulé, Claudia Puyó, Alejandro Del Prado and Miguel Cantilo.
happy to reopen the old bar rock, and so motivates the paradoxical reference Martínez, local here forever. "Bostalgia ... The nostalgia for me it manure, is written with 'b'. I am interested in looking forward and I will not enter into any move by bostalgia, but this cycle is not ... They did not make the nostalgia of the Pearl and all that. So I came and I agreed to participate, because it is a decadent thing to the dead soul, looking back. The eyes are not on the neck, are ahead ", says the man with thick glasses who once wrote" Avellaneda Blues, "walking at dawn on suburban routes. Drummer, singer and composer of one of the pioneers of Argentine rock groups, Martinez will be responsible for opening the cycle to the public tomorrow at 21.30, in the stronghold of Jujuy and Rivadavia, and repeated on Friday with his new trio: Maxi Delli Carpini Claudio Pallota guitar and on drums. "I'll play with my new training topics Manal, solo tracks and new tracks like 'Pappo's blues', 'The gold machine' and 'Positive', which are already on the internet before the record comes out, announces Martínez. Another of the founders Manal and gain experience mediating Pearl '60, Alejandro Medina, is also provided in the program with his Medinight Band, for Friday 17 and 24 December. And both chatting together in one of the tables background. "We talked, but we're not playing together," agree, compared to the hope that had arisen spontaneously among journalists and some other eternal follower. The artistic program by former Coven Almond and Rodolfo Garcia, also contains a Del Prado (Saturday 27), Puyo (Saturday, 4 December), Marianne (Saturday 11) and Soulé (Saturday 18). "One thing is 'bostalgia' Martinez insists," but no one can say that this is a place to play. This is a historic, symbolic, and I love all these shows are scheduled. It is good that the new owners have realized that this name is contained in the history of country rock, but redefined in a new stage. Mind you, I have nothing personal against nostalgia, all I'm saying is not practical. "The conversation between Medina and Martinez relaxed unless otherwise coupled surprise caused by the magic of the place: Willy Quiroga and Ricardo Soulé, long estranged, up playing together a version of "Wisdom Books" and an "Present." Gesture to dedicate the recently deceased Ruben Basoalto and open up a crack at a possible return of Vox Dei, if any drummer who could replace him. "We must always remember it with Ruben ... He was the one who made everything possible for Vox Dei is that it was for the history of rock ", is excited Willy. "This reopening is a wonderful opportunity to share this with these iconic musicians, even a little bit in this wonderful city that gave us the opportunity to be rock musicians, a strange thing in those days," says Soule, on reopening of the legendary space, while Del Prado makes his version of "The Roaring of Buenos Aires", the Rabid Fish recreates Puyó and Cipollati, provocative plays the "Himno a Sarmiento", just on the day of the Battle of Vuelta bound. "I do not play other songs, but this one I know" ironically from the microphone, his back to a portrait of Leopoldo Marechal. irrelevant. Long before, at least 40 years that Pearl became part of the triad-hive that next to the Cave and the Di Tella Institute set up the under-60s, now the bar area meeting was notable, literature and coffee between two writers who then (it) Bifurcaria for its aesthetic, world views and political ideals: Jorge Luis Borges and Leopoldo Marechal, with Macedonio Fernandez, who also has his picture in the pocket of Once-as liaison and host. It was, then, that air of "aesthetic vanguard" and meeting point which led, in addition to the conditions of inclusion and tolerance of the old masters, the arrival of the first rockers when about 4 in the morning left the cave and walked fifteen blocks south of the city. "The truth is that we came here because it was the only place open at that hour. Bah, it in fact had one open here in front, but we did not get even five balls. In addition, La Perla was full of female students of Philosophy, very nice pibas also gave us ball, "Martinez laughs. Manal
former pizzeria evokes then as a "four or five times" larger than today and a reverb effect "natural" that tempted to write some sketches of those who later would become rock classics in Castilian. "We had to go through a long hallway to the bathroom. It was narrow, but I had like 20 feet, and was old. In that hall there was a reverberation, and squatting Tanguito was put to play the viola and singing taking advantage of the reverb effect, which was the same as Elvis Presley wore when they recorded the tracks with a microphone and a speaker in the bathroom of the Sun Records . That was the reverberation chamber Tanguito Elvis and used it here (laughs). So I saw it, that's the photo. In fact, the only he was carrying a viola, and we were asking it to play a song each. If you go to any house and get into the bathroom, the tiles will give you a reverb like this, and this hall was tiled to the ceiling! "Recalls Martinez, who soon after managed to put a José Alberto Iglesias studio to record their only album of the poet truncated, the famous loop "in the bathroom of the Pearl of Once composed 'The Raft'." "I saw Tanguito composing 'The Raft'," reassures Martínez.
"And I knew the story by that time. Javier heard saying that while recording " Quiroga hooked. "In addition, we, the Vox Dei, we did not know La Perla. What happens is that we were in Quilmes, and assemble a Quilmes rock band and come to think of Capital at the time was crazy, it was like going to the moon on his knees (laughs). The first time we played was at the Theatre Capital Payró and then started singing in Castilian thanks to a recommendation of (Luis Alberto) Spinetta. We were not lucky enough to meet the Pearl, but knew that armed Sandro Cave near here, which was where we played bare-chested ... Madness, a kind of jolt. "" Of course, we do not know the Pearl because when we hit this town went to La Cueva de Sandro, who was Rivadavia, and only then hooked-tertiary Soulé. But this place was so significant that we were unaware until that moment. Until, with the turn of events, we begin to learn. When we marry Grace lived six blocks from here. It was 1970, and often came to visit Tanguito, Spinetta and Javier ... Let's say we met through your customers (laughs). Well, the Pearl represented a social pose different from what we were accustomed to, because down south we had a place to converge. First, because there were very few, and second because the rock had not nested, the nested rock in these districts of Buenos Aires neighborhoods that had been tango, and for some reason this happened to rock. "neuralgic point
epicenter of beat poetry" to the native ", the hippies and counterculture epochal solo bathroom where Nebbia detected something of sketching Tanguito "I am very sad and lonely here in this world of shit" and he completed the song-and then, along with "Just yesterday" and Pipo Lernoud Moris, sold 200 000 copies as part of the first single from Los Gatos in 1967 - The bar was a breeding ground for other great rock songs: "Tomato juice," for example. Or "The man left, which Tanguito-o the label that released the B-side ranked as their first single, the A was "Golden Princess" -. Over the years, Pearl became a myth, until the revisionism of recent years ended up becoming the site of Cultural Interest in 1994, 13 years later, legitimizing unveil a plaque in honor of "The Raft." "I wrote here most of the themes of Manal-Martinez recalls, without 'bostalgia'. Here and in the streets, because my music was always good street. With Tango and others were sending us to the bottom of everything and did a little guitar tracks, over coffee milk. We went with a notebook in his pocket scoring lyrics and chords, and the only thing was we went out to buy croissants in front, because they were cheaper and richer than those here. Then, when day was done, we took the train and went to Home, the home of Tango. "

Source: -2010-11-25.html

Where Can I Read Shotacon?


"revolution have a look ..."

Thursday November 25, 2010
Rohaihu. Action: Lourdes Acevedo, Virginia Barisson, Carolina Desojo, Paula Asprella, Veronica Lorenzo, Lucia Trot, Laura Abayu, Lorena Ascani, Luciana Cucuccio, Constance Carbone. Andrea Arias assistance. Playwright / Director: Gustavo Delfino, Horacio Rafart Rohaihu, which in Guarani language means "I love you", tells the story of several political prisoners through the story of an old soap opera "Orange Skin" interwoven links of solidarity and Love to resist oppression and plan their escape.
21hs. Admission $ 15.

Pasaje Dardo Rocha 50 (6 and 7) 2 nd floor Conference Room B Friday 26

Kisses on the forehead. Mercedes, a woman of seventy and nine year-old widow and fear of loneliness falls in love with Sebastian, a writer fifty years her junior. She will feel trapped in that body crumpled and slow that allows you to live this love should be lived. However, he clings to his affections until he decides the distance of his young protege. Three years later, meet again ...

Cast: Paula Lopes, Gladys Cadelli, Carmen Baistrocchi, Gaston Beltramini, Andrea Roma and Damian Romero. Direction and staging: Solange Rybak

21hs. Admission $ 20.

Pasaje Dardo Rocha 50 (6 and 7) 2 nd floor Conference Room A

Saturday 27

happened in Casuarinas. Group express Theater UP Theater Group No. 33. Professor Michael Di Benedetto.

21.30hs. Input a non-perishable food to soup kitchens of Villa Montoro

Pasaje Dardo Rocha 50 (6 and 7) 2 nd floor Conference Room B

Sunday 28

revolution have a look. Urban Dance Company. Address Jorge Caballero. Martin Wizard Palomino. Dancers Rocio Balmaceda, Nazareno Calfulef, Cecilia Gauna, Martin Palomino, Eva Magid, Celeste Mattia, Paola Molina, Ricco Gastón Andrés Stazzona. Musician: Claudio D'Amico. Artist: Fernanda De Francesco. Narrator: Silvia Luna Leiva. Art and Objects: Maria Paula Padegimas. Choreography: Company Urban Dance, Jorge Caballero. Research texts and original texts: Silvia Luna Leiva, Claudio Damico and Jorge Caballero. Costume: Rocío Balmaceda.

The search time ask us what we want to be, tiger, or the fierceness of his lineage. The blood begins to make that dark ... we, we are wondering what it means to us. Perhaps a blood flying disheveled with a fury like cry. Yes, that's a joy intended blood before, to walk the terrible question: would die to have a new name?.

20hs. Admission $ 25.

Pasaje Dardo Rocha 50 (6 and 7) 2 nd floor Conference Room A

Lately Sunday 28

up. Roxana Aramburú

first prize on "dramaturgy and Human Rights organized by the Ministry of Culture and Education and the Human Rights Department of the MLP 2009

recently defeated biting its tail, turns around the body that has not been buried, the necessity of facing the death rituals.

They have no name, is a security guard and a maid. Working on a site that is possibly a museum. The time is yesterday and today, bound in the continuity of the commission and omission. A "doctor" will sum work: it can be a doctor, a butcher, a collector, a tomb robber, a naturalist, a serial murderer, a trader either. The photographer, a pervert, an oligarch, a Salesian priest, a trafficker in women, a real estate agent. In anthropological safari, want to crush flesh and spirit on photo paper, display parts, transforming the subject into an object. Among so much degradation, man, woman, show and hide, lost and recovered, struggle and fatigue, sleep and wake up, rise up and submit. Survive.

recently defeated a tribute to the prisoner of the museum and so many others who remained in the Martin Garcia island in the sugar plantations, as domestic servants in wealthy families, who were paraded cultural events, displayed in human zoos.

Today, it is today.

19hs. Free admission

Pasaje Dardo Rocha 50 (6 and 7) 2 nd floor Conference Room B


Princess of nature, an ecological history of Facundo Velez. The princess of nature by all means try to raise awareness and save the inhabitants of the kingdom of Garbari save to achieve the pollution generated by an evil spirit. General Directorate Maria Pascual. Facundo address Vélez. Management Assistance Facundo Lublin. Technical Assistant (Sound) Facundo Velez. Technical Assistant (Lights) Celeste Sanchez. Actors and Actresses

Roxana Lujan, Gonzalo Fantoni, Facundo Lublin and Mariana Morend. Facundo authorship Velez. Maita costumes Ortelli. Guadalupe Vivani drawings. Facundo production Vélez, María Pascual, Production Assistant Group YQE Emilio Mosconi. Sets and Props

Group 16hs. Admission $ 10.

Pasaje Dardo Rocha 50 (6 and 7) 2 nd floor Conference Room B

Sunday 28

Tommy & Maggie and Climate Magic De Maria Pascual.

In a world where magic is a way of disappearing. Where dreams and hope and have no room. In a dark place where an evil count named Tifeo this charge of do away with all but all those little lights that made us feel alive, which filled us with hope and made us believe that the magic was there waiting for us ... That's where they are, Maggie and Tommy, two friends who, with magic alert help, tried to change the world ... Directorate General, María Pascual, Address, Facundo Vélez. Assistant director, Emilio Mosconi, Technical Assistant (Sound) Celeste Sanchez, Assistant Coach (Lights) Emilio Mosconi. Actors and Actresses: Gonzalo Fantoni., María Pascual, Facundo Lublin, Carolina Gonzalez., Melody Palermo, Facundo Vélez.

Authorship: María Pascual; Dressing: Maita Ortelli. Puppets: Carlos Franchimont. Drawings: Guadalupe Vivani. Facundo production Vélez, María Pascual, Production Assistant Group YQE Emilio Mosconi. Sets and Props Romina Galeazzi,
Group 16hs. Admission $ 10.

Pasaje Dardo Rocha 50 (6 and 7) 2 nd floor Conference Room A

Sunday 28

The Tick. (Comic Child). Painted by the group and Item.

Cast: Cesar Benitez, Jose Duhart, Magali Ventimiglia, Alejandro Corti and Ana Alba

Original Music: Alejandro Corti, Original Idea: Cesar Benitez. Writer: Cesar Benitez and Ana Alba

Scenario: Cesar Benitez and Ana Alba. Address: Ana Alba

Paint Sets and costumes and Punto y Esteban Benitez. Design and production of wigs and makeup: Yanina Engroba Technical assistance: Lucas Delprato

In a quiet corner of our city ... The arch of the story: the flamboyant wigs designer Francesco Tick plans for world domination and establish an era governed by fashion cult. To do this, make dog hair wigs in placing a neurotransmitter to dominate the minds. But the disappearance of four-legged canine dogs commonly called, put on alert and keeps people in suspense city.

Meanwhile, in another part of town, our local superhero, the Inspector tries to solve the case and becomes an obstacle to Francesco.

the other hand, our star of the song and his trusty dog \u200b\u200bMarilín Chola unwittingly help to get rid of the Inspector Francesco

... Can the Inspector solve the case? ... "Francesco tick away with it?

16.30hs. Admission $ 15.

Pasaje Dardo Rocha 50 (6 and 7) 2 nd floor Conference Room B


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Heather Harmon,retired


¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ARE WAITING! !!!!!!!

November 3 Reading Before Leaving

Varas De Aida Andrade Director: Aureliano Castillo León

Cast: Tania Angeles
Oscar Ochoa Gerardo Olivares

Reading 10 November. Gastritis anatomy

Text: Itzel Lara
Address: Daniel Alberto Victoria

Maricela Cisneros Manuel Peñalosa

Daniela Flores Aguilar

Reading on 17 November.
The Babinski sign and address
Text: Alejandro García

Dweller: Rodrigo Espinosa
Twin 1: Daniel Meza Junco
Twin 2: Gabriel Soberón
Patient: Valentina Martínez Gallardo Marcín
Psychiatrist: Setting Norzagaray
Marie: Maricela Peñalosa
Dimensions : Gisela Garcia Trigos
Music: Fernando Lomeli

Reading November 24
Another Electra and directed by Edith Ibarra

The mother, Rosa Marta Fernandez
Electra: Pilar Padilla
Voices: Carmen Herrera
Inés López de Arriaga Diana Laura Otero

December 1
JOB (Complaint in three voices to be silent and nothing)
Text: Enrique Olmos Ita
Address: Daniela Flores Serrano

Cast: Sheila Flores

Rodolfo Nevarez Jorge León

Liliana Guerrero José Juan Cabello

Advice on space: Daniel R. Primo
Light: Martha Benitez.

Wednesday 20:00 hrs. FREE ENTRY

Teatro El Milagro Milan # 24 between Lucerne and General Prim
Col. Juárez

Friday, November 19, 2010

How To Get Shiny Pokemon In Heartgold

Pasaje Dardo Rocha La Plata celebrates its 128 th anniversary

The capital Buenos Aires is now serving 128 years. It was founded Masonic influence and allowed to pacify the country after decades of civil war. Past and Present of La Plata.

La Plata today celebrates the 128 th anniversary of its foundation, a fact which will be celebrated with various activities. And no wonder: explore the history of our city can rebuild a significant part of Argentina's history.
"We have given the new capital the name of the great river that bathes it, and deposited under the stone, hoping to stay here forever buried, rivalries, hatreds, resentments, and all the passions that have delayed so long the prosperity of our country "were the words invoked by Dardo Rocha to begin the story of a city that would be during the nineteenth and twentieth century as the hub of the province.
Ensenada, Quilmes and San Isidro was the first options that were circulated, but were soon dismissed. The final decision was due to the intention of trying to compete, from the maritime trade, with the port of Buenos Aires. "The great mistake of Dardo Rocha was thinking I was going to make a new Buenos Aires," he says Barba. edilicios and urban strokes made the city an innovation of the period, equating it with cities like Washington. The architectural perspective, conceived by architect Pedro Benoit, characterized by the thought guidance tributary of the French Revolution, which was framed as a paradigm of urban planning from the late nineteenth century. Immigration was cultural sustenance from the early years, while the census of 1884 showed that 82% of the population were foreigners and only 12% had been born on national soil. Most were from Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Austria and England.
platense The twentieth century is marked by ups and downs, and major events that occurred as the foundation of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (1905), and the tragic years of military dictatorships.

"The UNLP became a major center of attraction," he said Barba, plotting with immense simplicity which meant that institution for the city. Political scientists and other aspects were the product of the house of higher learning, founded by Joaquín V. González. The year 1925

gratified to town with the opening of one of the largest distilleries in the area, built in full oilfield development Fiscales (YPF), which by then was in charge of Enrique Mosconi. Although the industrial center is currently located within the municipality Ensenada, then a commune La Plata was responsible for those territories. Military dictatorships were rife in the country since 1930. The region was, over the years, the most affected by coups, given the large number of university students and workers in the region.

The '80s and '90s were years in which the city could not skip the national fate, being affected by the different political and institutional crisis faced by the country.

Reconstructing the history of the city is not only an anecdotal journey, it can recognize the fragments that gave identity to several generations, reflecting the positive and negative, in a culture that, until now, kept alive the events of the past.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dune Buggy, Craigslist

great for incomplete beings

Fantastic Worlds for incomplete beings

> Collective creation

The war lives, breathes murder and hostility. Human bodies are shredded and minds crumble. Lena is a girl who lost her brother. Now the madness enters his house and his mother breathed. Lena can not understand the situation surrounding it and desperate attempts to flee in search of his brother. He took refuge in the forest, and this is where it is swallowed by a giant mouth that lead to unknown places.

PUPPETEER: Fernando Reyes, Christian Puig, Guillermo Amador, Denis González, Alejandra Reyes.
LIGHTING DESIGN: Leonardo Solorzano
ADVICE ON HANDLING: Alejandro Benitez
ANIMATION: flash in the pan
Communications: Arturo Lopez "Pius"

Thursday 20:30 hrs Season: 11 November 16 December

Tickets: $ 100 (usual discounts apply 50%)

Milan Teatro El Milagro 24 Between Lucerne and General Prim Colonia Juárez

Reports: 55 920338 5566 9423 and

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tomtom Free Map Updates Uk

The Collective creation

Model Management Katia Castillo *

The performance project The model is inspired by a text by Paul Auster called " The Music of Chance. " Started as a laboratory developed stage where the performers, from their experiences, a fiction about the space we inhabit: the City of Mexico.

The model makes a fiction of the fragmented city to speak of the everyday, recreates forms, perspectives, and forgotten places nonexistent. Trace street tours, apartments, bars, windows, plants, shoulders, traffic lights, hospitals, places where people can pose challenge them and to imagine what lies behind, between and in front of all this?

* Fellow 2009-2010 Young Artists Program of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts

Author: Collective creation
Director: Katia Castillo *
Cast: Nadia Lartigue
Marcelino Tomas Ivan Ontiveros

Ruth Mendoza Juan Pablo Marquez

Tuesday at 20:30 hrs
Season: 2 to 30 November.
Tickets: $ 100 (usual discounts apply 50%)

9423 and 55 920 338 5566

Monday, November 15, 2010

Will Hematoma Breast Biopsy Go Away

Critique of "Proportions EP" Julious Marvesol in (for Santiago Tadeo)

A Julious Marvesol knew him, especially as the duo VisionespanoramiK , with Ms. AlKantarilla , a more hip hop than anything else. He had also served as instrumental to various MCs and was responsible seal Egami Recordings a microcosm inhabited by beings of "Uncontrolled Mental Breakthrough" that feed on alternative and experimental hip hop. However, EP Proportions we hear is the electronic side, which had always been part of his role as producer-composer, but until then, had not presented with the same regularity. Yes, this predilection for samples ,...[...] CONTINUE READING HERE

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scott Kay Artiste Bridal Collection

A night to remember Tom Jobim and Vinicius

11/13/2010 / Brazilian singer arrives this Sunday at Old Town artists are

that their peers should always pay taxes or at least keep them in mind when to turn to music, because they are real examples, not only for his talent, but also how they decided to embrace the music. No doubt that's what happens with Vinicius de Moraes and Tom Jobim, key figures when referring to the bossa nova. Thirty years Vinicius's death comes for the first time to La Plata's versatile Brazilian singer Ana Paula da Silva to offer a show dedicated to these two references. And be doubly Sunday November 14 2130 and 23 in Ciudad Vieja (17 and 71).

Paula da Silva was accompanied by a trio of Rogério Botter Maio, bassist, composer and arranger who has played alongside great artists such as Gerry Mulligan, Nana Vasconcelos, Lionel Hampton, Paquito D'Rivera, among many other jazz greats and Brazilian music. Rogério is also a renowned composer who has released several albums with great reviews from critics. The singer will classics as "Aguas de Março." "Eu sei that vou love you", "Chega de Saudade" and other great songs of this duo that have already been established as a classic of twentieth century music. This tribute preserves the spirit of the songs but also presents the inspired and unique vision of this new breed of talent in the music of Brazil.
musicians. Rogério Botter Maio bassist (acoustic and electric), composer, creator and producer. Born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil, Rogério lived in Europe and the United States between 1987 and 1999. In Rome in 1989 working as a musician in the movie "God Father III." Recorded with Gerry Mulligan, Nana Vasconcelos and Brazilian pianist Dom Salvador, Manfredo Fest, Jovino Santos Neto and Weber Iago Nelson Ayres and other artists. He won a scholarship to the Berklee College of Music and moved to Boston in 1991 to study for one year. In New York (1992 -1997) worked with Paquito d'Rivera, Lionel Hampton, Claudio Roditi, Leny Andrade, Hendrik Meurkens and many more great music. Fábio
While Bruno Tesselaar, drums, percussion and studied music theory at the Federal University of Santa Maria and was awarded a grant in 2005 from the Berklee College of Music in Boston. Since 2004 lives in San Pablo where he has played with artists such as Michel Leme, Thiago Espírito Santo, Pepe Cisneros, Marco Angi, Edu Letti, Djalma Lima. / apdasilva

Source: -Tom-Jobim.html

Peace Symbol Bathroom Accessories

not fables, the possibility to re-read with childlike eyes


11/13/2010 / musician and poet Eduardo Rezzano devised a disturbing book
The book in question is not great and is signed by the poet and musician Eduardo Plata Rezzano but as what to small were worried their artwork is worth and must say they belong to Peca, also based in La Plata and Barcelona (Spain) since 2001. And from the cover the book is disturbing and if you decide to cross it without filters with infants can become scary eyes, a nightmare that comes to refute all those fables that children heard in the mouths of our parents before bedtime. No worries fables as shown, for what counts, so silent and so suggests. And we know that the suggestion is a powerful weapon. "Rezzano In the book there is a rough script, but in a subtle rigor, winding, retractable. As a creator Crazy toys, the materials that make up fables not belonging to a source patent-free operation, but where it may be the mark of a face in the form of beasts, or rather, not beasts, which is a way proverbial disprove the story. With no solution behind the format, proposed Rezzano certain absence of any validity in his poems, because these texts do not try to convince us of his proposal but redistribute " quite rightly notes from the back of the book the poet and writer Mario Arteca, that next Wednesday at 20, the Centro Cultural Islas Malvinas (19 and 51) will add its voice to the author at the debut of this magnificent book. Non certainty the destruction of an entire universe as safe as dreamlike as offering these fables that built our young psyches, is what makes us falter, leaving us defenseless in the hands of Rezzano. Thus we discover in "Ugly Duckling" a swan that leaves the lake to enter the forest to the voice that echoes: "Twist the neck / swan / long as a giraffe," and that life will take to recreate themselves to arrive at the decision: "If I have / swan pen / with it will write / my memories" or "ceremony" to illustrate: "It will be divided and there / for all but / for the centipede / / occupied in bringing / Echoes of the Past / lost steps / night. "
not restless and seductive tales, as do all the things forbidden or covered by a mysterious halo. That's why the father was not surprised that Astor continue touring the living eyeing the library, the exact location kept the book. And at night there will be room to fall to sleep and hot stories that bear on these disturbing and beautiful not fables.

Tekonsha 2030 Mark 12 Electric Trailer Brake

"Art of the fallen tree" advances in Saavedra Park


Already some totems, a crocodile, a flower and a foot buried
The kick gave Rigone Fernando, a professor of literature of 31 years that "dawn of the vice" carving since I was a child. The young man came up to take a log of 25 meters long that had been felled by a storm in the park of 12 and 64. He began to sculpt and ended up developing a children's game decorated with various statues of animals and the boys go through below like a cave. Rigone is also author of "Girl 2010," a figurine, also designed from the structure of a fallen tree, located in the avenue of 13 and 69, and calls attention to those who pass by. Other young people are on the move. Carossino Martin (26) came to the park to recreate forms with dead trees. He was interested in the proposal to be interactive, as defined by. "It's a place where many people pass. As the cut is open to all, people make their presentation. Some parents of children who receive services at Children's Hospital, we are working and add to make their contribution" was the sculptor.
The idea, he explained, is to mount a kind of wooden sculpture gallery. "We intend to build a common space for artists. For now there are three sculptors and we are calling for anyone who wants to join. Even artists need to be offered to paint the sculptures, "said the head of the Directorate of Cultural Events, Martin Moreno, who points out, he said, 'to this end on a tour of sculptures called' Art of the fallen tree" ".
Indeed, what is done with this project is to turn a dead specimen in a work of art. In addition, the goal is that" where the tree falls, there it is. "Rigone added that" it is enriching cultural heritage of the park with the species that are no longer standing. "
To enable the works will last a little more time without the sun and weather factors affecting them are planning to paint with oil or diesel.

The place is emerging as a major multidisciplinary space surrounding the Benoit House, which after remedial work was completely renovated. Besides art exhibits and photographs that are renewed, the act weekends bands.

The old wood and metal box would have been the place, according to oral traditions of the La Plata, where the late nineteenth century engineer Peter Benoit (1836-1897) designed the plans for our city's main temples. Material only surviving remnant of the first buildings to be erected in La Plata, was declared a Provincial Historic Landmark in 1990.


Where Can You Buy Steel Seal

"See what they do the other is an invitation to do something ourselves "flying through the city

11/13/2010 / artist Mario Bertoli The anticipated part of what will be its annual show this Sunday from 15

Mario Bertoli's characters bring the story into the body and the pictures reflect the exact moment it is released what was lurking inside turning once and forever the environment . The different subjects portrayed in the act are traversed by different forces: the tension of the eruption and at the same time, some awareness of be observed. Of riding a scene.
The works will be exhibited in Space Tuluz, fair with art (Calle 1 No. 343 among 528 bis and 529, Toulouse) are an excerpt from the recent production of the author and his words is motivated by "my native fauna , urban animals, which can get to know someone who lives and always lived in the city. "
According to the artist, "I find inspiration in the work, a work carried the other, I hardly find no box half done. When this happens it creates a vacuum and dust is difficult to overcome or abandoned old ideas to restart the road. " Bertoli studied for some time in the Bachelor of Fine Arts and Film at the Faculty of Fine Arts UNLP since 1986 developing the artistic activity in the city of La Plata participating in various awards and exhibitions. Despite the accolades, as Mario was not a turning point in which you become aware of the level of their work is more about it says: "I do not think being good at what I do, but I'm getting better and search a discourse allow me to express personal disclose my opinion, my likes and dislikes, is sufficient motivation to persevere in the job. There are searches with which I identify with people who work do not neglect academics. So far I move within the field of figuration, not necessarily realistic, but representative. Drawing is the basis of my work, as a representation of a model, design and personal discipline. "
The selection made by the artist for the space functions as a premuestra Tuluz the performing end of the year where almost literally throw the house out the window. Mario Account "I like showing my work, nerves, joy, social openness that implies. Over time I learned that the only signs that I was nothing, "are among those who did not. The exhibition runs for me today as a preview of the December 5 where I open my house and my studio to the public, and in what I call plastic Second-home shows. I expose my work in the past two years, I run the furniture, the house is empty and turns into a personal gallery. With this year will be the second time that I and family is a challenge, my wife, my son and friends and help me live as a party. I wish people used to visit my shop and workshops of all artists general. These spaces tend to be more welcoming and always exciting approach art from any edge as a spectator or as a director, see what the other is an invitation to do something ourselves. Recognize the voice of others banishes loneliness, ruling with absolute clarity.

addition to the paintings of Mario will be heading other related art forms as a theatrical costume parade by Damian Novellino, Haiti group interventions, plus the show itself. The purpose of space is residing with art in an old craft which have different areas of the home returning to the festive nature involved opening the door for a meeting.

Source: html

Friday, November 12, 2010

Briggs And Stratton Governor Spring Images

Review of "Breaking Dawn Malvas in Montefrio" of Ms. AlKantarilla in (for Santiago Tadeo)

Poetry Country suspension. There are many things to say and many ways to do air verses ever written. " So has Ms. AlKantarilla , also known as 'seed dryer' and half of VisionespanoramiK its solo debut, Malvas of Sunrise Montefrío . Now what solitaire is the first thing should be clarified, since it was created with the complicity of the mother his mother, ie his grandmother Cantarero Gracia Pilar . Moreover, the debut is somehow qualify, since this is not exactly an album, or not in the traditional way, that's for sure. Is an attractive hybrid of recited poetry and hip hop, but ...[...] READ HERE

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bonefish Grill Reservations

VisionespanoramiK in "The Fourth Party" Radio3

Thanks FrankT and Radio3.

Monday, November 8, 2010

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Parkour in La Plata

The idea is to overcome barriers to urban body. In La Plata, dozens of young people already practice and walk through the city to
In La Plata, squares Moreno, Belgrano and Olazabal, the forest, the faculties of Dentistry, Mathematics, Biochemistry, Community Center of Toulouse, on the outskirts of Banco Provincia of 7 and 47, become the stage for adrenaline lovers of the sport. Parkour was born in France for almost two decades, but in our city practiced for 5 years and, slowly, adds up followers.
Speaking to Today, José Lanzilotta young practicing parkour for two years, defines the activity as "A discipline that is to train to get from point A to point B by passing a series of obstacles encountered, only the capabilities that gives us the human body, as quickly, smoothly and efficiently as possible."

But not everyone is jumping, but behind the effort is a philosophy that seeks to incorporate in life. "This philosophy has adapted the ability to overcome obstacles to daily events, always seeking to surpass oneself, under the idea that any goal that we propose can be achieved sooner or later, to the extent that I try again and again "he says. Another aspect of parkour is that, unlike other sports, there is no competition. "This is because, when self-improvement of the foundations of the discipline, one competes with oneself, constantly pushing, without a roof over our limit," he says.


Parkour has its critics and detractors. Some people point out as a highly dangerous practice and damaging public structures. In this regard, the association Buenos Aires admit Parkour Parkour is a discipline that involves a level of risk. " It is recalled that in late 2006, three young people died when they entered a manhole, there were stunned by the rain, and water are dragged to the drain. Young people were less than 27 years and were practicing Parkour.

addition, the activity is usually learned in a didactic and through videos that are posted on the Internet. "The risks are relative to the person who practices and mentality. With people trying to promote Parkour La Plata discipline in a safe, conscientious and progressive, to reduce accidents to a minimum. That is why I can assure you that in reality, the risks we are few. In sports such as rugby or football you can see as many injuries in parkour, "says Joseph.

How did

Parkour was created by David Velle, the son of a former Vietnamese military that prompted him to physical training and overcoming obstacles. It was developed in the city, Lisses, France, creating an urban version. After entering the body of the French Army Infantry, David realized it was not for him and he needed the freedom of the street. Later, he found people who followed him in their training, and so met Sébastien Foucan and other members of that first group of traceurs.
Then Sébastien emigrated to the United Kingdom, where he surprised everyone with his skills, and lit the fuse of the internationalization of the phenomenon.

Golden Rules For traceurs

(name given to those who practice the activity) are no golden rules. The first: Look what's behind it and it does not move, the second: the parkour hurts men. In the city, not to invade private places, stepping gardens, jumping cars or scare people. And before you start jumping or running, is fundamentally a good warm up.

Meaning The word "parkour" comes from parcours which means journey in French. Les parcours du combattant, were walks of obstacles to military training.

This discipline requires great fitness to perform the different movements (skipping, pasavallas, climbing) that implies, but also need a mind determined to overcome our fears, great concentration and a strong spirit.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

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protest gays, lesbians and transvestites face

will host a colorful demonstration, demanding that "public policy of the Province are recognized and considering the gender identity and sexual diversity. "

A group of gays, lesbians and transvestites held yesterday a demonstration outside the Governor of Buenos Aires to demand that "policies public recognition of the province and provide for gender identity and sexual diversity. "
The demonstration took place in the framework of the annual day of" gay pride "which led marches in several cities of Argentina. Leaders of the protest local said that "it is still insufficient recognition of the rights" by the administration of Daniel Scioli.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Funny Things On Casts

(EGAMIVID004) Julious Marvesol - conservatism, Conserval - 2010

Artist: Julious Marvesol

Title of Work: Conservatory, save

Year: 2008 / 2010


Gender: Downtempo, Nu-Jazz , Travel

Category: Videoclip

Description of the Work: ... as you want and anywhere you want but conservatism and keep it, please. Cruises dream for the near side. Chapter One, second section. Julious marvesol, follower of evolutionary art. Track work belonging to the "Proportions EP" Julious Marvesol published by Dusted Wax Kingdom netlabel (DWK065), 2010.

Filename and Duration: (EGAMIVID004) Julious Marvesol - conservatism, Conserval - 2010.avi

Total: 02:08 min

Technical Working : Recording, Composition and Keyboards for Marvesol Julious. Mixing and Mastering by Jonathan J. Lorenzo EHA! Stereophonic recordings 2008 / 2010. Recording and Video Production by VisionespanoramiK.

Contact:, / ehagrabacionestereo,

License: licensed under Creative Commons 3.0. Spain BY-NC-ND ( nd/3.0/es /)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Football Player Jockstraps

Government decree, incorporating five new holidays to the calendar

The holidays

2011 will now be holidays on November 20 and Monday and Tuesday carnival next year will have day off on 25 March and 9 December, on Monday 22 does not work

Wednesday November 3, 2010
Since the latter date marks the fourth Monday in November, next Monday 22 will be a national holiday. The decision, published in the Official Gazette, bears the number 1584 between arguments and notes that "any evidence" that the sanction of the rule "will not be fulfilled with the urgency of the case, blocking one of the purposes of sending" that "was to provide predictability in a time of sufficient time to enable citizens to plan their activities. " is that, says the executive in another paragraph, from the date of shipment of the initiative to Congress last September 14, the Chamber of Deputies has hardly session. "

"From the date of shipment, the Chamber of Deputies has hardly session, so repeating the situation that gave rise to the establishment the national holiday of May 24, 2010, which had to be produced by Decree No. 615 of May 3, 2010 based on the absence of treatment of the project sent to the same effect on 6 April that year, "reads the text .

In order to prioritize the tourism industry as an engine substantive economic activity in the country, the President announced on September 13, sending the bill to extend national holidays in the presence of the premier industrial union and industry.

The package of proposed executive from the outset as national holidays restore two of the four days of Carnival, repealed as such by the last government de facto in 1976, and establish as a new patriotic holiday on November 20, National Sovereignty Day, in honor of the Battle of Vuelta de Obligado, led by Lucio Mansilla against Anglo-French military. Thus, increased from 12 to 15 national holidays.

also will be nine to ten holidays immovable, to add to the list on June 20, Flag Day, in honor of Manuel Belgrano. In connection with these dates are not transferable, provides the so-called bridge holiday Monday or Friday for long weekends when the four-day celebration dates fall on a Tuesday or Thursday, respectively.

also stop calling it Columbus Day October 12, to call it Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity. Remains removable (the preceding Monday, if it falls on Tuesday or Wednesday, or later, if you fall from Thursday to Sunday), as well as on 17 August (run on the third Monday of the month), which commemorates the death of General San Martin.

shall not working and immovable various religious holidays of the Jewish and Islamic communities

shall not working and immovable various religious holidays of the Jewish and Islamic communities.


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Yesterday, neighbors and NGOs that make up the assembly Defend La Plata led a movement against the property of Calle 58 between 6 and 7 with cultural activities.

The aim was to oppose the demolitions being carried out in real flagship for the city.
Speaking to Today, from the meeting reported that "we had a great impact, many people know what is happening in the city."
Both the current Urban Zoning Code (Ord. 9231) as the new Ordinance 10703 (Article 146 paragraph d), which amended it, clearly states that "if a well had been demolished without a permit, the new intervention will have urban indicators that were granted to the existing building, "they said. Source:

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protest against the demolitions were carried out the seventh edition of the night of museums in Buenos Aires

The seventh edition of "The Night of Museums", to be held on Saturday 13 from the 20, will open the doors of the museums of the city of Buenos Aires and this year will include more institutions and neighborhoods to participate in this proposal.

The "Contemporary Art" will be the central theme of the night and the artists will display their talents with many proposals to all residents and tourists.
neighborhoods of Pompeii and Villa Crespo will join the activity, plus 30 new institutions, so the figure rises to 170 spaces for art and culture to visit during the day.
Some of the activities to be carried out are the presentation of Air Dance Company at the Costanera Sur, theater in the House of Culture, performances in the English American Art Museum Isaac Fernández Blanco. For lovers of video art as you can see in the Museum of English Art Enrique Larreta and media intervention in the Planetarium, so will be shown to Buenos Aires as one of the major cities of contemporary art worldwide. This event is expected to visit half a million citizens and given the success of previous editions it was decided to extend until 3 am the activity.

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Debris group will rain "pigeons" in the city

will be tomorrow at 18, and will stage the block principal occupying the Teatro Argentino of our city, located on Calle 10 and 51.

From the terrace of the huge building, team members will conduct a performance art Debris Rain bird call, consisting of 10 000 shed bird silhouettes cut from paper of different colors.
And there will be a special feature: Each bird will carry a message inscribed by students from different schools of La Plata.
recipients of the messages will all participate in the event La Plata. Thus, Debris invites schools to be part of this act of communication. "When the birds stop flying, stop dreaming man" is the slogan of the performance. Precisely tomorrow is the 120 th anniversary of the Teatro Argentino, which will have special activities throughout the day. worth mentioning that the festivities coincide with a conflict that employees of the room kept for some time.
Debris was born in 1988 as a group of public art in an age in which everything seemed to collapse. By analyzing the social, political and economic, the founding artists of the group asked what would be the country. The answer was "debris."

Next to the name, there are features that remained intact: most of the work was performed outdoors, always express the sociopolitical reality that the country is at that moment, using all possible forms of communication: installations, manifestos, murals, artifacts, posters, poems, engravings, lectures, visual poems, graffiti, postcards, net art.


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Curutchet House, a perfect art scene

The housing inside the famous La Plata served for a photo production with local artists.

The Curutchet is called Fashion House, and not a bad thing, quite the opposite. Famous in the city, and of importance in the global architecture is also true that although they have heard of many platenses not clear what it is.
In fact, some people immediately associate with the newly released national film Man Next Door, directed by Gastón Duprat and Mariano Cohn, the film stars by Daniel Araoz, developed within this curious platense housing.
worth mentioning that the house is located on the Boulevard 53 between 1 and 2 of our city, and was designed by Swiss architect Le Corbusier was commissioned by Peter Curutchet surgeon, who wanted a house that could work and live with his family, and in which space and natural light is maximized. The renowned architect sent the planes in the late '40s, and was built between 1949 and 1953. Curutchet House is his only work in Latin America, and never came to know. The interior was a perfect setting for the photographer and visual artist Jose Luis Mac Loughlin, convened in recent weeks to poets, musicians, sculptors, painters, playwrights and dancers to pose in different parts of the house, which, by By the way, will be declared next year as World Heritage by Unesco. A production detail is that the photos were taken in black and white with a camera from the 50s, to be close, temporarily, the moment when the house was built.
invited artists are: Mono Isaurralde (musician), César López Osornio (painter), Pablo Ledesma (musician), Phoebe Chavez (actress), Xavier Kriscautzky (photographer), Tato Finocchi (musician), the Basque Alzugaray (painter ), Raul Andrioli (puppeteer), Martin Raninqueo (musician), Diego Aroza (actor), Juan Pezzani (sculptor), Ruben Monreal (actor), Cristina Terzaghi (artist, muralist), Lido Iacopetti (painter), Rocambole (illustrator ), Bernardo Teruggi (conductor), Eduardo Zabaleta (artist, inventor) Horacio Weight (musician), Jorge Seed (photographer), Quique Roca (musician) and Ricardo Dalla Lasta (sculptor).
Each of the images will be displayed in place of the house where he was portrayed by the artist.

"The photos will be as a mark, to trace each character left in the city, because culture is this: growing, harvesting, plowing. And many men and women have opened new furrows and planted the seed here, "said Mac Loughlin.

Also, as closure of the audiovisual production, photographer design the final images on the architecture of Le Corbusier, as a kind of double homage: on the one hand, who was one of the best examples of architecture and, on the other, the great managers of culture Plata.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cyst In Sinuses Could It Be Cancer

(EGAMISING001) Julious Marvesol - Diapason - 2010 Review

Artist: Julious Marvesol

Title of Work: Diapason

Year: 2010


Gender: Electronic, Downtempo, LoFi

Category: Digital Promo Single

Work Description: First single released in Egami Recordings. Travel paste through frequencies ... Blunted feelings.

TrackList: 1) (EGAMISING001) Julious Marvesol - Diapason - 2010 4:58

Technical Working : Produced, mixed & mastered by Julious Marvesol (Jonathan J. Lorenzo) at EHA! stereo recording 2010.

Artwork: Photo by The seed dryer. Design, Illustration and Layout by Julious Marvesol

Contact: ,

License: licensed under Creative Commons 3.0. Spain BY-NC-ND (
nd/3.0/es /)

Promotional Digital Single, so if you enter 0 € in the purchase price, you'll get free. / Digital Promo Single, so if you enter € 0 or less, You Have the song for free. Donations are accepted. / We accept donative. Click "Buy Now" to download. / Click "Buy Now" to download.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Weave Does Megan Good Wear

an experience that invites you to integrate and take the place of another

The plaza Moreno is the first time it is carried out in the city. The slogan is to include people with disabilities
