Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Does The Scorpio Man Like Me

An ambitious book seeks to account for the many stories I crossed La Plata

Today in the shed of the crack 16.12.2010 La Plata, Artigas invented city of Celina. There will be stories and music

La Plata, a city invented ambitious book in the strict sense of the word. This was conceived by its author Celina Artigas. Such ventures often cross often become impossible and end up fading into the air or sink before they reach safe waters. That should matter little to the author at the time to get into the making of this book, as compiler, and pursued as a top pick as many stories that serve to build or explain La Plata. Right from the preface warns, "La Plata was a city concocted without people who live there, without contemplating the possible forms of groove, "but what comes meant city after its inhabitants? Buenos Aires was first founded it? the Rome of Romulus and Remus, too? And so we move on, the merit of the book is found nothing but multiply the voices of those who give meaning to living in a city. But we must not forget that La Plata is a city invented ambitious book, which since its introduction proposes a revisionist reading if you want, and pleasantly surprised since its release. A box care welcomes the book, but also a road map, a map that locates in the perfect square, artists, journalists, storytellers and an interesting collection of postcards that arrive accompanied by lyrics, thoughts, poems. And as with all books, is the instance of the presentation, which will be this evening at 19.30 in the Shed of the Rift (18 and 71) at which time the author will be accompanied, probably, for the 80 players who participated project and the band's songs monster!, that will sound in sound plan.
almost 20 years ago, in 1991, Nicolas Shumway in the United States released the book The Invention of Argentina, a work on so-called "guiding fictions" of our country in the nineteenth century. That work soon received several awards, including The New York Times and The Latin American Studies Association. A year later, that paper was published in English by Emecé seal, which in 2002 launched a second revised edition: The Invention of Argentina. History of an Idea. In these pages Shumway, suggests that the guiding fictions are "artificial creations such as literary fiction," but "are necessary to give individuals a sense of nationhood, community, collective identity and a common national destiny." Artigas Perhaps you have read the book by Shumway, maybe not, but the important thing is that somehow La Plata, invented city realizes from its pages, but mostly stories that have de whole arsenal of stories that reveal artistic mobility, which has always had the city drawn by Peter Benoit and founded by Dardo Rocha, in that already distant November 19, 1982.

But how comes a book like this? "Esteban Rodriguez asked me to make a compilation of stories by writers of La Plata, and I thought I had to have a better idea of \u200b\u200bthat, and somehow the city full of artists, and made more sense than the book appeared that spirit of La Plata and the way it was given. That each traveling its own way alone, together or in combination with another, managed to finish cross with another who had chosen another path. We start thinking about having 30 artists in general, writers and poets, and suddenly the dynamics of the city and how people are used to relate, finished bringing increasingly called to book, and at one point exceeded expectation, and thirty pass to 80 people, each trying to find where was the money. "

While the reason for the name of the book Artigas says that "It was hard to find another name that did not contain the name of the city, somehow 'La Plata' the had to say after all the options 'invented' was most appropriate, so each inventing their own trajectories in the field of art in which dedicated and somehow invent the city, saying the reasons why so many others want to stay in more personal terms ella.Y find a vehicle to explain to those who do not live here or friends are not here that this city had made me choose it, I'm from Mar del Plata. "

of stories, that's what fuels the book and after all that's what counts. Stories about a city that is, but also of La Plata which is no longer. Buildings that do not exist, as remembered and longed nights, music in the air, characters that are not, loves that might be. Stories which can provide a foundation or just have a moment, a moment, a segment beyond everything.



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