The city will comply 128
Within three weeks, La Plata meet 128 years. Cities often grow in height and the width, like people. Unfortunately, too, like people, some cities age and deteriorate. This is the case of La Plata, in the last fifty years ceased to be one of the most dynamic and developed cities of the country to go on to develop all sorts of problems. The habits, tastes, hobbies, clothing and changed by modernization and the passage of time, but also by many deficiencies and shortcomings. And therefore do not take advantage of public spaces because there are other entertainment, but there is no usable public spaces and many are worse. The outdoor activities were changed by others indoors. The boys spend more time playing computer games at home than with other games in the street. Before there were computers, but not so insecure as now. The dress is more casual for practicality and lack of resources to dress better. Thus, one might continue with several aspects of daily life.
In recent years, the provincial capital has increased dramatically its population in the periphery in relation to the village, which also grew, but at the top. However, this growth has been messy and damaging to the city and its inhabitants, compared to the '50s and '60s significantly decreased quality of life. Currently in La Plata there are 107 settlements in the periphery, according to a survey of the Social Research Centre (CIS) of A Roof for My Country, last year. The increase in the density implies a lack of resources and services of all kinds. Total settlement of La Plata, 14% are in the Melchor Romero, 10% in Los Hornos and follow him as a percentage Villa Elvira and San Carlos, with 8% each. census, conducted last Wednesday, it is estimated that La Plata has 650 thousand inhabitants with a growth of 11.5% compared to the previous census of 2001, which recorded 574 000 people. The increase in the population of La Plata in the last ten years is almost double that occurred in the past decade, from 1991 to 2001, which was 6%, again according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC).
However, this growth was messy and uneven. The architect Fernando Gandolfi told Today that "in La Plata, there was a general loss of quality of life, mainly for two reasons: deterioration in terms of explosive growth oriented or not the misguided urban and suburban growth of the city with lack of planning. "
the implementation of Decree Law 8912 Land Use 1977 as one of the growth factors not targeted. In La Plata, the situation may worsen after enactment of the new Urban Planning Code of the current administration of Mayor Pablo Bruera, which promotes the indiscriminate construction of apartment buildings and real estate.
"There is a lack of heritage preservation policy of the municipal administration that left the buildings waged the most ferocious speculation," said the architect. "Fifty years ago there were lots of individual houses and some buildings owned horizontal isolation, individual housing today is threatened because the city grows vertically and is in shadow, an example is the street 61 between 7 and 13, which is dark at any time, "Gandolfi said.
historian Roberto Plata La Plata Abrodos considered "lost his identity so high, in the architectural lost some jewelry, and also lost the role they had planned the founders of the movement of the winds, before the city was aerated ".
On the other hand, the quality of the buildings fell markedly by lowering the costs of materials and the urgency of the works. Gandolfi recalled that "in the 60s were built in La Plata buildings of high architectural quality, mainly for architects Daniel Almeida, Carlos Vicente Lenci and Krause, but then came others of inferior quality."
endangered green spaces
Outdoor Life is one of the customs that went extinct with the passing of the years. Modernity brought other activities to develop in enclosed spaces. However, in La Plata is the depreciation amount of green space. "Several decades ago the creek was used for walking and Cat go fishing, now would be unthinkable," he said historian Nestor Gutierrez, who emphasized environmental problems as major factors in the deteriorating quality of life.
La Plata was planned with a preponderance of green space. In the village there is a place for every six blocks and a variety of forestry. However, this feature is missing because there are no policies to preserve existing green spaces, and also generates new. "The lack of growth in peri-urban planning leads to not build new parks, one of the virtues of the town," Gandolfi said. The architect also noted that "neither of which is preserved already exist, the construction of the stadium of Students in the Forest is an example, and, on the other hand, is being cartoonish and absurd treatment of public spaces with plastic strings. "
"In La Plata forgot reforestation, we must recover this aspect replanted at places like Calle 72, go back to La Plata is a forested and hygienic city," said the historian Robert Abrodos. In that sense, it also influences the indiscriminate felling of trees to facilitate construction, a common scene in La Plata in recent years.
From prosperity to decline in the work
The City of La Plata is not immune to changes in income distribution and employment conditions elsewhere in the country. Even with Berisso and Ensenada became a test case for the rise and fall in living conditions experienced by the working class in the last fifty years. The first government of Juan Domingo Peron coincided with a period of industrialization, which led to full employment and wage increases by 500% in the period from 1945 to 1955, besides the great union achievements obtained in those years. In 1952, at the end of the first presidency of Perón, 54% of national income was in the hands of the working class.
The steep drop in industrial activity in the Gran La Plata is evident in the data for large companies privatized in 1990-1995. According to the Association of State Workers (ATE), the Amalgamated Oil State (SUPE) and the Municipality of Ensenada, only in those years 7,190 people lost their jobs. The reduction in staff YPF Refinery (ex Distillery) was 85%, in Petrochemical La Plata (ex General Mosconi), 50%; Petroken, 40% and Siderar (ex Propulsora Steel), 52%.
Compensation received by laid off from privatized-specific exceptions, they vanished. In those years, proliferated informal employment and micro enterprises.currently in the La Plata underemployment (people working less than 35 hours a week and want to work more, or those in positions below their qualifications) is outpacing unemployment. The Center for Economic Studies and Social Work (CEDLA) of the UNLP provides a revealing fact: In group 20% higher revenues of the province, 13.6% are state employees, which contrasts with the participation of this group in total employment, which is 6.5%.
News Argentina is very different from that of fifty years ago. The deterioration of employment conditions contributed to the loss of quality of life of La Plata, which in recent years have seen decreasing their chances greatly.
Transit, chaos
Increased vehicle fleet in La Plata was not accompanied by an orderly planning of transit in a city whose layout was planned in the late nineteenth century, when no car was used massively. Currently it is estimated that the fleet has an annual growth of nearly 20 percent, and the city has over 250 000 vehicles in service. This is compounded by the deterioration in the public transport system which complicates the transfer of La Plata.
The most worrying consequence of the current traffic problem in La Plata are road accidents, which grew by 30 percent last year. That year there were 118 victims of traffic accidents, exceeding a 51 percent national average. In total, calculated over three hundred traffic accidents per day. This is due to the lack of a policy to manage the growth of the fleet, a problem that grew enormously in recent decades.
habits also transformed the city
The current mailing of the city is very different than five decades ago. Changed the customs and habits became the La Plata. Besides the changes edilicios is experienced changes in relationships. Some traditions were lost and were replaced by others.
"It was losing respect for others," the historian Robert Abrodos resume. "One of the traditions that were lost and it was quite common in La Plata is to go to the cemetery on the Day of the Dead, which came from European immigrants," he recalled Abrodos.
Néstor Gutiérrez For the historian, "one of the characteristics of fifty years ago is that in the periphery families knew each other, with the transformation of immigration, population growth and lifestyle changes is not so easy known to all, and lost the relations between the neighbors. "
commercial activity also modified the customs. "The great fairs that still exist in La Plata, as of 51 between 20 and 23 or Saavedra Park, are now more focused, and ceased to exist many corner stores because today everything is bought in hypermarkets," said Abrodos.
Clothing is another feature that was mutating over time. "Fifty years ago, public employees carefully dressed in a suit and tie, and also used his hat, which was deprecated, and now the clothes are more casual, that caused the tailor cease to exist", said the historian. One of the characteristics of the city tailors in the '50s and '60s was the century of the corner of 7 and 54, now defunct. "It was very common to go to buy Century suits, shirts, ties and hats, that tradition was lost from that clothing is more casual."
"Another tradition that is lost is the business of courts of gender, where women bought fabric to make clothing, all done now buy local and those nearly disappeared in the city," he added Abrodos.